Fresh Saaz Comfort 2024 12


Fresh Saaz Comfort 2024 12



5,1 % obj.


750 ml

Every brewer’s favourite season is here and with it heaps of fresh hops. For this year’s lager with fresh hop cones, we chose the newer Czech variety Saaz Comfort, which offers a great balance between bitterness, earthiness and floral hop aroma.


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Everyone’s favourite plant, the Humulus hopolus, is a pretty fragile thing that doesn’t normally retain its qualities for very long. That’s why we dry it, press it, vacuum pack it, and store it in the freezer so that it will last all year at the same quality. Or we can throw it into the beer right after the harvest to reflect the truly unadulterated authenticity of the taste and aroma of fresh hops. Working with such hops is very demanding, the brewer has to plan it really well and the hops behave significantly differently than in dried form. For example, it will suck in a lot of wort and give you a higher loss rate. But the flavour at the end is really unique with strong herbal notes and an earthiness that gets you really close to the authentic expression of the hops. The Saaz Comfort variety of hops is a new hop variety registered only in 2019 and was created as a cross between Saaz red and Dubský green. The result is a slightly more bitter version of the Saaz hop with an emphasis on spiciness and herbaceousness. It is a favourite Czech hop of our head brewer Martin Urban.
Agnus, Saaz Comfort
Water, barley malts, barley flakes, wet hop.

Tasting video

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