Oyster Stout 17


Oyster Stout 17



7 % obj.


500 ml

In cooperation with the Chroust brewery, we brewed a version of a unique historical beer style – a stout with oyster shells. These give this stout a nice line of saltiness and umami flavor. A small amount of smoked salt perfectly adds to the overall unusual taste.



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Oyster stout sounds like a completely hyper-modern eccentric madness, but it is not, it is a historical method of beer preparation from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when brewers empirically discovered that the use of crushed oyster shells reduce the acidity and increase the clarity of dark beers and thereby increase stability and speeds up production. The flavor profile was thus only slightly affected by a somewhat increased minerality bordering on saltiness.   The version that we brewed in cooperation with the Chroust brewery is, after all, a little more interesting. We used really a lot of oyster shells and then enhanced the flavor with smoked salt, which really pleasantly compliments the flavor profile and creates a unique beer experience.
Water, barley malts, oat flakes, hop products, habanero peppers.

Tasting video

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