Winter Affair Gossip Les Intenables 10


Winter Affair Gossip Les Intenables 10



4,8 % obj.


500 ml

With our good friends from Strasbourg, the brewery Les Intenables, we have prepared a collaboration batch of beer combining Czech Saaz hops and French Mistral hops. The beer style we have chosen is Grisette, a light saison that is fermented very dry and extremely drinkable. 


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In January, we held the very first iteration of the Winter Affair International Beer Festival, where we invited Europe’s top brewers and arranged collaboration batches with six of them. Now we’re introducing them all in short succession.   France is a very important market for us today and that’s why we go there quite often to various festivals, fairs and events. And at these beer events, it usually doesn’t stop at one word. We have met the cool young group from Les Intenables many times and we are always happy to see each other. We are both breweries focusing on modern beers but appreciating brewing history, so for our collaboration batch we decided to interpret the old French-Belgian style Grisette, which is characterized by its lightness, dryness and extreme drinkability.
Žatecký poloraný červeňák, Mistral
Water, barley malts, wheat flakes, wheat malts, hop products.
Serve and drink chilled. Protect from frost and direct sunlight. Store up to 8 ˚C.

Tasting video

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