Jane´s Paradise 13


Jane´s Paradise 13



5,6 % obj.


750 ml

Well-balanced American Pale Ale combining a friendly malt body with hop character of tropical fruits. Pleasant bitterness in the finish well compliments overall drinkability.

750 ml, alcohol 5,6 % vol.


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American Pale Ale is one of the original beer styles of American craft beer movement. Unlike old-school IPAs, it’s not just a straightforward hop bomb with strong bitterness but rather a harmonic marriage of malt and hop character. APA was born thanks to consumers’ frustration with beer market dominated by flavorless big-brand American Lagers and functions as an embodiment of what craft beer revolution stands for – beer as an agricultural product, in which you can taste and feel the ingredients and the work behind them. In Jane’s Paradise we wanted to follow this philosophy. For that we used not only classic American hop Citra, but also Sládek, a czech hop Sládek. The final product is and elegant modern American Pale Ale that carries an imprint of local ingredients even thanks to the use of classic Pilsner malts. 750 ml, alcohol 5,6 % vol.
Sládek, Citra
Water, barley malts, hop products.
Serve and drink chilled. Protect from frost and direct sunlight. Store up to 8 ˚C.

Tasting video

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